Synoiz Music Blog
Synoiz music blog.
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Posted 2nd October 2014
Hello there!
It's been bloody ages since I last updated my blog, it's been a crazy year and I've been taking things in my stride while I've finished the new album Frontiers. It's out on Monday at iTunes, Amazon, to stream on Spotify and to buy direct from my own webstore right here (I think it's cheapest on iTunes but you get a digital booklet if you buy from here).
In August and September I ran a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for a physical CD release of the album and wonderfully it exceeded its funding target and we were able to get CDs made, they'll be available from the webstore from Monday and I'm in talks with getting them stocked locally in some Newcastle / Sunderland stores in case you're nearby and don't like ordering off the interwebs.
I've had some really good feedback from the fans who got the album early through the campaign, I was a bit scared that Frontiers isn't quite as dramatic as Ambients was but it's a different beast essentially. I've got a few reviews of the album and interviews coming out over the next month so keep an eye out for them (no doubt I'll be spamming my Twitter and Facebook with them when I've got a copy myself!)
Oh yeah, I best put this up while I remember, to test out some of the new tracks including the vocal songs from Frontiers, I did a secret gig in Sunderland back in May. Thankfully the new stuff went down very well, here's a setlist:
Frontiers Preview Gig Setlist:
- Such Blissful Inactivity (Intro)
- Make Up Your Mind
- The Captain (Segue)
- Long Forgotten Centuries
- Brave New Worlds
- The Cataclysm (Segue)
- U.N.Stable
- Becoming More
- The Asterism
- Getting Safer
Thanks to everyone who made it, it was a lot of fun even if we had crazy sound problems for the first few minutes! I've been offered a gig or two for the new album lately but what will probably be happening is that I'll get a band together (I kinda need more keyboardists to do half the stuff!) in the new year and then start doing some gigs around the North East and maybe further afield.
Hope you're all doing well,
Frontiers is out on Monday 6th October 2014, please grab a copy and tell me what you think!
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