Posted 12th October 2013
Finally some music news, I've been really busy lately with so many things that aren't Synoiz related it's unreal. A week or two ago I scored a short horror filmed called "Summer's Night" which is apparently going to be released as part of a horror compilation at some point. I'd like to say I enjoyed making it but at the time I was really ill, the film edit had overrun and when I got it to start on there was only a weekend before the submission deadline and no time to get better, so it was a weekend full of Lemsip, hot chocolate and playing long cello patches on the keyboard with a wild disregard for tempo. I liked that though, the more soundtracks I work on, the better I get with them. The first one I did I treated like a collection of songs, finding a tempo and key for each scene (compromising when I had to) and making it very mechanical, now I've loosened up a bit and seen that when most people edit films they're not counting the beats in their head between one shot and the next, they're working the flow around many different factors and so a fixed time signature and tempo can hinder rather than help in some cases.
Anyway that's enough on that, the new Synoiz album is in that horrible unending 99% complete stage that a lot of other artists have told me they get also. The songs are written, I'm playing about with some voice acting parts and the production is really close to being good but it's just been stuck for the last few months where I tweak little bits and fiddle about with patches and sounds rather than going "sod it, this is done". I'm aiming for a February release date and while I don't want any singles from the album there might be an EP with instrumentals of the vocal tracks and some outtakes. There will be music videos too but while myself and 12 Ft Beast Productions are bandying around ideas for them I don't want to think of all that stuff until I'm done with my music.
I do hope you'll like the album, it's not as varied as Ambients I don't think but really nice to just slap on your headphones while you're out and about.
Over and out, for our unity,