Latest Synoiz Music News
Synoiz wins "Best Actor" award at the Cutting Edge Film Festival
Posted 28th November 2011
Thanks to everyone who came down for Synoiz's first ever live performance as part of the Cutting Edge Film Festival in Newcastle, there were a few technical hitches but all-in-all people seemed to enjoy the set and Synoiz was asked a few times when the next one will be. Erm... yeah...
Also, thank you to everyone who voted for Synoiz (as Graeme Donaldson) for "Best Actor" for his roles as John in La Belle Dame Sans Merci and Jack in The Dark Passenger, even the person who simply wrote "That guy in the hat here tonight who was in La Belle Dame". A lot of films were shown on Saturday and so winning the award means a lot.
Live Synoiz Performance Update
Posted 19th November 2011
Right, only a week until the first Synoiz live set at the Cutting Edge Film Festival in Newcastle at Bar Barkollo on the 26th of November.
The setlist is decided, some backing videos/projections/lighting are being organised and Synoiz himself may even decide to practice one of these days.
We've been given our timeslot, Synoiz will be on at 4pm. The event starts at 2pm and Synoiz's set will be followed by a very desirable Burlesque performance by Constance Peach and more short films until 6pm when the event moves to the ticket only (now totally sold out sadly) presentations at the Side Cinema in Newcastle.
Just to confirm, if you want to come see Synoiz live:
Date: Saturday the 26th of November
Venue: Bar Barkollo in Newcastle
Time: Event starts 2pm, Synoiz on around 4pm
Cost: Free (though he may try to flog you an Ambients CD)
NEWSFLASH - Synoiz Live Performance as part of the Newcastle Cutting Edge Film Festival
Posted 8th November 2011
Got some very special news for you. On the 26th of November Synoiz will be playing a special live set as part of the Cutting Edge Film Festival in Newcastle. This will be the first time Synoiz has ever played tracks from his Ambients album live. The Synoiz performance (with assistance and additional keyboards - and possibly a flute - by Alex Campbell) will take place at Bar Barkollo near Newcastle city centre sometime between 2pm to 6pm on November 26th. No doubt Synoiz will be nervous as hell so it would be great if any fans could show up to lend some support.
This daytime performance will be free entry, however if you want to follow us to the film festival afterward you will need to buy a ticket. Apparently tickets to the Cutting Edge Film Festival (featuring at least three films with music by Synoiz) has already been sold out with only a few tickets available directly from the organisers.